Our mission is to Make your life easier.
Welcome to CITECH ACADEMY, a cutting-edge IT education provider at the forefront of technology. With a passion for empowering individuals with the skills necessary to thrive in the digital era, we offer a diverse range of courses in Programming, Networking, Cyber Security, Cloud Computing with Azure and Amazon Web Services, Kali Linux and Ubuntu, SQL Server, Microsoft Windows Server, and more.

We take pride in our commitment to excellence, and our status as a licensed Cisco Networking Academy, Python Institute partner, Linux Academy affiliate, Microsoft Learning Partner, and VMware Academy underscores our dedication to delivering industry-leading education. These partnerships ensure that our courses are designed with the latest industry standards, providing students with a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving tech landscape.

What People Are Saying
Citech academy is a training in which you can develop a lot of knowledge.During this training my experience has been quite good. Here it is worth learning about Python, Cloud, Network administration. The professor was very good during the lecture and through the explanations and the practice we did, everything seemed easier to learn.
Blerta Prestreshi
Highly recommended!
A place when you truly learn and practice about Cloud, Python, Engineering, Network administration.
Worth following any course here and the instructor is great!
Shkumbin Bungu
First of all this is the greatest time of mine of learning to be a professional IT, the multitasking of learning and practice at the same time was a good experience this is the only one academy that I would recommend to anyone and learn the way how to be a proffessional skillfull IT in Python, Cloud and Engineering hope everyone would read this comment and visit this academy.
Dren Xhemajli
The best place to learn networking and cloud computing with proffessional instructor.
Bli Bujupi
This class was excellent, the instructor was incredibly knowledgeable and articulate.
Thank you.
Agnesa Muriqi
If you want to get knowledge and then get certified on Cisco then Citech Academy is the place to be. Great classrooms, individual equipment and dedicated instructors. I highly recomend to anyone that wants to pursue a carrer in the IT field. Speaking from personal experience, not only it broadent my experience in the IT field but it also helped me in my current job. Thank you Citech Academy for everything and keep doing what you do best.
Dren Berisha
If you are fascinated about technology and love working with computers, Citech Academy is the best place to start about your experience and to have the best knowledge for your career
Dafina Kunushevci
The right place to learn network engineering (CCNA) with physical equipment and also for Cloud (Microsoft Azure) and Automations (Python).
Agon Prekadinaj
The best academy in town for network and system engineering.
You must be there to prove it!
Xhafer Mucaj
Beautiful place, great instructor, I recommend for anyone who wants to learn CISCO and Windows server
Labinot Kajtazi
I am not easily impressed but I’ve never completed a course like this before and I can’t express how great the instructor was and the overall content of the material.I would defintely recommend this to my friends.
Adem Bahtiri
Highly recommended!
A place when you truly learn and practise.
It was a great journey.
Artisa Kosumi
Ky trajnim më ka bëre që ta njoh me shum botën digjitale, si dhe e kuptova që ky është profesioni që dua ta ndjek për te ardhmen.
Fitova shumë njohuri, dhe jam shumë i lumtur që isha pjes e Citech Academy.
Ali Haziri
Akademi e Qelluar dhe e Kompletuar e cilla ofron CCNA , Cyber, Python, Automation , Cloud vetem ne Ci-Tech Akademi me profesorin Driton Shala
Admir Beka
Posedimi i Paisjeve per trajnim, perkushtimi, keshillat dhe gadishmeria e Profes qe te pergjigjet ne cdo kohe, i jep Citech Academy padyshim vleren e me shume se 5 yjeve.
Po ju tregoj nje storie te shkurter. Kam kryer fakultetin dhe nivelin Master ne Juridik ne Prishtine. Po nevoja, deshira dhe mundesit qe ofrohen sot ne IT jane te paimagjinueshme. Per kete arsye jam kthyer ne Prishtine dhe kemi filluar trajnimet ne muajin Shkurt-Mars 2020 ne CITECH ACADEMY, ne dhjetor 2020 jam certifikuar ne CCNA. Une jetoj ne gjermani dhe nevoja per Network Engineer eshte shume e madhe. Une i propozoje cdo nxenesi e studenti qe se paku te certifikohen ne nivelin CCNA e te mos ndalen. Rezultati eshte i sigurt.
E Falenderoj Profesorin Driton qe edhe pas perfundimit te trajnimeve gjithmone eshte i gatshem te sqaroj ndonje problem.
Elvedin Durguti
E vlerësoj këtë kurs me 5 yje, e padyshim qe arsyeja kryesore është përkushtimi i profesorit, Driton Shala.
Unë, bashkë me shokun e kolegun tim, Gent Buzaku kemi përfundu kursin e cisco-s në citech, ccna switching and routing në shtator të 2017-ës dhe ne më pak se 6 muaj, kemi arritë të nënshkruajmë kontratë pune me kompaninë, Telkos. E i jemi falenderues e mirënjohës profesor Shalës që ka qenë gjithmonë profesional dhe i palodhshëm në punën e tij. Konsiderojeni veten me fat nëse jeni student i profesor, Driton Shalës
Jeton Pllana